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As a Friend you have saved £{{BasketData.totalDiscount.toFixed(2)}}
Capital Theatres friends enjoy generous benefits which means you can see more of what you love for less. Friends membership costs only £{{this.UpsellMembershipPrice.toFixed(2)}} a year!
As our Friend, you have saved £{{BasketData.totalDiscount.toFixed(2)}}
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{{moment(eventBooking.start).format('ddd, Do MMM YYYY, h:mm a')}}
Seat | Ticket Type | Venue | |
{{ticket.planName}} (Seat: {{ticket.seatName}}) | {{ticket.ticketType.name}}: £{{ticket.total.toFixed(2)}} | {{eventInstanceInfo_value.venue.post_title}} | Remove |
This performance is eligible for a Friends discount of £{{eventTicketsTotalDiscount.toFixed(2)}}
This performance is not eligible for a Friends discount
This performance is eligible for a 2 for 1 via a 50% Friends discount
This performance is eligible for a Friends discount of £3.00
As our Friend, you have saved £{{eventTicketsTotalDiscount.toFixed(2)}}
This performance is not eligible for a Friends discount
As our Friend, you have saved 50% via the 2 for 1 offer
As our Friend, you have saved £3.00
Gift Voucher
Amount: £{{parseFloat(GiftVoucher.amount).toFixed(2)}}From: {{GiftVoucher.fromName}}
To: {{GiftVoucher.toName}}
(to be sent on {{moment(GiftVoucher.sendDate).format('ddd, Do MMM YYYY')}})
Message: {{GiftVoucher.message}}
If you have a Theatre Tokens Gift Card or eGift issued by SOLT, you can now exchange it online for a Capital Theatres gift voucher, which can be redeemed on our website. If you already have a Capital Theatres gift voucher, you can use it directly at checkout as usual.
Basket Summary
- {{BasketSummaryItem.quantity}} x {{BasketSummaryItem.ticketType.name}} £{{parseFloat(BasketSummaryItem.total).toFixed(2)}}
- Donation £{{parseFloat(BasketDonationTotal).toFixed(2)}}
- {{BasketData.membershipSubscriptions[0].membership.name}} £{{parseFloat(BasketData.membershipSubscriptions[0].total).toFixed(2)}}
{{getMerchandiseAddedCount(Merchandise)}} x {{getMerchandiseInfoApi(Merchandise.merchandise_id).name}}£{{parseFloat(BasketMerchandiseTotal).toFixed(2)}}
- Gift Vouchers Total £{{parseFloat(BasketGiftVoucherTotal).toFixed(2)}}
Total Discount: £{{parseFloat(BasketData.totalDiscount).toFixed(2)}}
Total to Pay £{{parseFloat(BasketData.total).toFixed(2)}}
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