Panto Playtime for Children's Cancer Charity

We invited families supported by CCLASP (Children with Cancer and Leukaemia Advice & Support for Parents) to enjoy some panto fun on stage at the King’s this week.


CCLASP workshop onstage at Kings Photo Phil Wilkinson.JPG
The CCLASP group on stage at the King's

Following the charity’s supported visit to see the panto at the King’s on Sunday 6 January, a group of parents and children enjoyed two hours of VIP access to explore some of the secrets of the panto and play group games on stage based around the theme of this year’s show, Beauty and the Beast.

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Mum Deidre pretending to be a panto cow

Support towards the cost of the tickets for the charity’s visit to see the panto and the panto performance workshop for families were made possible through the sponsorship of the King’s Theatre pantomime by Rowan Glen.  Providing families with welcome respite from cancer care and treatment, seeing the panto and attending the workshop was, in the words of one family: ‘a great experience, we had a fabulous time’

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Mum Rebecca and family with Bonnie the cow, the Rowan Glen mascot

The on-stage workshop, two hours including a stage and under stage tour, warm-up exercises and games galore, was hosted by Catrin Sheridan, Learning & Participation Coordinator at Capital Theatres.


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Families enjoying the 'pass the beast face' game

‘The children and the parents got straight into the panto games, they loved it,’ said Catrin. ‘Thanks to the support from Rowan Glen we were able to provide an unforgettable experience to families, a chance for them to see behind the scenes at the King’s panto, gain insight into how we produce the show and most importantly, have lots of silly fun.’

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Cooper on stage at the King's in CCLASP workshop

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Friday 28 December 2018