Capital Theatres presents

When The Sun Meets The Sky

in association with Traverse Theatre

A Dementia Friendly Radio Play

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“I’m going to tell you a story. A story that remained a mystery for 70 years.

I like it cause it’s all about hope, about family, loss – with a large side order of secrets. You intae that? Knew you would be! Maybe you can solve this one faster than I did…

But this isnae about me. This is about Maggie.”

Set in iconic Edinburgh locations - from summertime in the Meadows after the war, to a Beatles gig in the ABC on Lothian Road, Christmastime on the Mound in the 80s and ending up in the Port O’Leith after the turn of the millennium, When The Sun Leaves The Sky tracks Maggie through the decades as she discovers herself, her city and tries to get to the bottom of a mystery that’s eluded her since childhood.

Shaped by personal stories from the dementia community of Edinburgh and the Lothians and with a score by composers VanIves, this new audio play is co-created by Robbie Gordon and Jack Nurse with experts from the Capital Theatres dementia friendly community.

Ways to experience the Radio Play

(Click the underlined links below)

You can listen to the full play on soundcloud

You can read the transcript

You can listen with subtitles on YouTube below. 

On YouTube the play is split into four short episodes. A new episode will be uploaded every week from  Tuesday 4 May. 

Sensory Resource Boxes

There are a limited number of sensory resource boxes available to accompany When The Sun Meets The Sky that are available to care homes and persons living with dementia. Once the boxes run out, there is a 'how to make your own' guide also available. 

Please email to request your box.


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

When the Sun Meets the Sky was funded by Creative Scotland Performing Arts Venue Relief Fund and D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust.

Capital Theatres is a registered Scottish Charity number SC018605.

The Traverse Theatre Scotland Limited is a registered Scottish Charity number SC002368 and is supported by Creative Scotland and the City of Edinburgh Council.


Writers - Jack Nurse and Robbie Gordon

Director - Jack Nurse

Dramaturg - Eleanor White

Composition, Sound Design and Mixing – VanIves

Producers – Dawn Irvine and Ruth McEwan

Additional Sound Recording - Ruari Dunn

Accompanying sensory resource boxes are created by Alex Howard and Dawn Irvine.