60 seconds with... Laura Lovemore

Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with Laura Lovemore, who will star as Anne in James IV: Queen of the Fight, which premieres in Edinburgh this September before heading out on a national tour.

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What drew you to James IV: Queen of the Fight?

Laura: The script is absolutely sick! (laughs). I have never read a Scottish historical piece that has two black leads. So I was like – I have to be involved. And obviously – Rona Munro.

What do you think the importance of this story is, especially in a modern setting?

Laura: I think the importance is to show how black women and black people, have always been there in history. Even though it's not written and might not be shown, they've always been there. With everything that's happened with Black Lives Matter, and especially with loads of theatres trying to be accountable, this is an important piece. I can't wait for the rest of Scotland to see this.

What do you love about being on stage?

Laura: I love feeling the audience's energy. I love delivering the story and believing the story in that moment. And I absolutely love it at the bows when everyone's just had a brilliant time, and I've had a brilliant time and we're all sharing this gorgeous time together.


Laura Lovemore

How would you describe this show to someone?

Laura: I would say it's very witty. It's very smart. It's sexy, sexy, because of the different languages - and you're completely gripped with each character's journey and each character's journey is so important. I don't want to spoil too much yet!

Rona Munro is a bit of a living legend – how do you feel about working with her?

Laura: I literally studied her at high school! When I was at the audition stage she came to see my last show just talking to her, I was like, don't mess it up. Don't mess it up. So now being in one of her plays is ridiculous.

How do you prepare for a role like this?

Laura: I'm going to start preparing right now! I've got loads of research to do with the languages, loads of Scottish history to do Spanish history, loads of research to do

Speaking of the language, how are you feeling about the language transition which happens during the play? (Laura and Danielle’s characters speak Spanish, French and ultimately Scots throughout the show)

Laura: I'm scared! (laughs) But it’s going to get done. I think what is important is understanding where the character is in each scene, being comfortable enough to speak those languages fluently and then hopefully it will just translate.

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Laura Lovemore & Danielle Jam

What excites you the most about this production?

Laura: I can't wait to meet the rest of cast. I can't wait to see how grand it's going to be, and I cannot wait to see the rest of the scenes on that stage and to see the story. Yeah. Cause it's sick.


All images shot in the Festival Theatre on the day we also shot the main promotional image (below).

James IV: Queen of the Fight has its world premiere in the Festival Theatre this Autumn, before embarking on a national tour. Tickets available here.
Laura Lovemore, Danielle Jam and Daniel Cahill 📸 Mihaela Bodlovic

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