Panto Presents: Special edition

Every Christmas we team up with Edinburgh’s Children’s Hospital Charity at the Sick Kids (Royal Hospital for Sick Children) to deliver Panto Presents, a project designed to bring the magic of the King’s panto to the hospital wards through activities, workshops, and an original relaxed pantomime performance.

This year we have adapted Panto Presents so that we can safely bring a dash of festive sparkle to children and their families. The teams will be offering bedside panto performances (instead of the usual panto performance in the playrooms) and each child will receive a panto-inspired Play Pack to explore.

The ‘Play Packs’ are jam-packed of panto related craft materials, colouring books, stickers, quizzes and materials to explore the fairytale story which will be left for the children and families to work through.

The box itself has been created from scratch by the Panto Present teams here at Capital Theatres and it’s designed to transform into the King’s theatre with some easy-to-follow instructions.

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Alongside bedside performances on the wards we have also captured this year’s original relaxed performance as a short film, Panto Presents ….Where Has Panto Gone? starring Imogen Reiter and Hannah Bradley as Cinderella and Belle, which will watched by families in the hospital over the Christmas period. 

This year we have also extended our Panto Presents project to Edinburgh’s Special Needs Schools and care homes in Edinburgh and the Lothians, who will also be able to explore the theme of pantomime by watching our relaxed panto performance online.

Unboxing Play Packs for Panto Presents

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Thursday 28 May 2020