Dementia Friendly: Raven Tales


Morning 11am, Afternoon 2pm

Runtime: 90 minutes including interval

Festival Theatre Event Rooms

Dementia Friendly: Raven Tales

Ever since the first tale was told, Ravens have strutted through myth and legend. Odin had two pet Ravens called 'Huginn and Muninn’ or 'Thought and Memory’. 

Join storyteller Jan Bee Brown and musician Toby Hawks for a collection of memorable, thought-provoking stories and songs from Scandinavia and Scotland - think Nordic Noir with feathers. 

Inspired by the theme of ‘Building Bridges’ for the Scottish International Storytelling Festival’s Go-Local strand in November 2024, Raven Tales, were written by Jan Bee Brown to be dementia inclusive. Toby Hawks has adapted haunting melodies for a range of Nordic string instruments and there will be an opportunity to hear more about these after each performance. 

Please note: a ticket is required for each attendee, including any carer(s) 

This event is free but ticketed. A ticket is required for each attendee, including any carer(s)



Capital Theatres aims to be accessible to all.

We are committed to making your visit to our theatres as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. All of our Front of House staff undergo disability awareness training and Dementia Friend Training and will be pleased to assist you should you require any information or help.

For more information and how to book: Access at Capital Theatres

Limited accessible parking is available - please book by phoning Stage Door on 0131 662 1112.

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