Heritage Talk: Just Keep Rollin' Along


5.30 - 6:30pm

Festival Theatre Event Rooms

Speaker: Ruth McKay

Heritage Talk: Just Keep Rollin' Along

This talk will showcase one of The People's Archives projects conducted by Ruth McKay, our Youth Advisory Board Chair at the Festival Theatre, and dedicated volunteer.

This project has centred around Amateur Productions at the King's Theatre with a focus on Show Boat. The talk will explore the complexities of this mammoth production across multiple companies and eras. The discussion will highlight The Bohemians, McMillen Productions, and will also present costume replicas and an analysis of character costumes. Come along and learn more about ''life upon the wicked stage''.

Speaker Biography:

Ruth Mckay was an introductory member of Capital Theatre's Youth Advisory Board (YAB), sneaking in at the tender age of fifteen. Now 18 and Chair of the Youth Advisory Board, Ruth has been devoted to developing her skills across theatre strands including but not limited to performing on stage as a lead role in 'Bring It On', providing a youth perspective and strategy for the organisation, creating marketing materials, she has been featured in press interviews with The National, and has been working diligently to complete her research project for The People's Archive, launching in April 2025.

Tickets from £2.00*

Tickets £2


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